Monday, December 6, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Top 5 Reasons for BreakUps
1. A lack of commitment on the part of one or both people in the relationship. In other words there is only partial or a half commitment to the relationship. It's when the partners say something like, "I'll go half way and you half way," and as soon as one party decides to go less than 50 percent a split usually opens up in the relationship, which usually grows wider over time.
2. Trying to change the other person is another common reason for relationships breaking up. When you try to change another person or expect the other person to change it is simply another form of rejection. It's another way of one partner saying to the other, "You're not good enough for me." Whenever you try to change another person you are implying that he or she is not good enough for you and you trigger a feelings of anger and resentment in that person.
3. Another common reason for the break-up of relationships is jealousy. Jealousy is always experienced in the mind and heart of the person feeling the emotion. It is an emotion that rises from a feeling of low self-esteem and feelings of personal inferiority. The person who feels jealous in a relationship feels that no one could ever love him or her for being the kind of person that he or she is.
4. Self-Pity or feeling sorry for something that your partner has either done or not done to or for you is a often found as a reason for relationships breaking-up. Often people will experience self-pity because their partner will be so busy or happy with his or her own work or career that the person experiencing the self-pity feels left out.
5. Negative expectations are a common cause for relationships breaking up. This is when you expect your partner to do something to disappoint you. In life our expectations either positive or negative tend to be fulfilled. The most important words you can ever say to your partner or spouse are "I love you" and "I believe in you."
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
10 Tips on How to Lie :\
3) Remember your lies. WIthhold them and uphold them until the end of time.
4) Look into the person's eyes when you lie. This is key.
5) Offer alibis. Tell your closest friends what you are lying about so they can cover for you even if there is the slightest of chance they will be involved
6) Surround your lie with truths
7) Don't lie often so your word is more viable.
8) Develop a habit for taking the blame on minor things and don't fight/argue over minor stuff... In return, things you do create an issue over will be taken much more serious.
9) Don't shy away from the lying topic at hand. Make the other person change the topic. Showcase your comfort and security in talking about it.
10) DON'T lie to those who Know you Best !!!
Friday, November 12, 2010
A Night...
And I know these butterflies could careless
But what if
We just
Well I guess
What I’m attempting to say is
A night on the town, Can I show you
And take u
To a restaurant that u never been to
And prove to you
My worth is more than..
a match
just sit back
While I light this candle
Let me handle
And maneuver
Every turn the night will take
I promise to make
Or mold
A night
Sure to unfold
As unforgettable.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Because your opinion Counts.
Because it is your Right.
Because it Matters.
Because you Can.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Fight For Freedom!
Honestly, I feel there are grounds in which one could sew for false advertisement. I am an individual that has great respect for the men and women who serve our country, lets let that be known. But seriously here, the idea of fighting for freedom? It just isnt feasible in any context of reality one may live in. In short: Freedom does not exist. As long as there are other human beings within your ecosystem freedom is just a word missed used more than the word love. Laws, hierarchies, and limitations exist throughout every single realm of the word. Even the simple judgment from another individual limits the idea of true freedom to someone else.
Freedom can only be sought in one realm. Dreams. But as our soldiers sign up, they're not fighting for dreams, there fighting for greed, for political strategy, for social justice, or for profit. The message needs to change. The American people need to stop being lied to. I believe we are undermined in our ability to understand the extremities of certain situations. Matter of fact, I believe it is the limited information that we are told that forces us to be more narrow minded and less understanding of why our brothers and sisters are sent off to fight in wars. I love my country, for wrong and for right. I just believe the government should put a little more faith into its people that it serves.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Art of Capital
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Black Men Dating Outside Own Race..
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Defining Love Part 4
Because love is all. It embodies everything: emotions, physical, spiritual, mental, blood, sweat, tears, pain, happiness, effort, desire, lust, stupidity, logic, stability, insanity, etc. Love can overcome and conquer anything and everything because it is made up of all elements.
If you have true Love, you have everything you will ever need to overcome all that life shall throw in your path.
Too be continued…
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Defining Love Part 3
“Nope, see when we have kids, I’ll probably take a year off of work to be with the baby. Oh, I really hope they have his eyes!” She always spoke in terms of the future tense.
She was young. He was young. They still had so much to learn about themselves as individuals, but yet she was all too focused on the destination, she had put forth little thought on the journey. She was blinded to the roads that lay just beneath her feet, mustering all her might to only see that which she felt was her… their… ultimate fate; A life together.
True Love is understanding. It is equip with a sight more keen than that of an eagle’s, allowing one to see all obstacles that lie in front and the comprehension that a fork may lie in one’s path at times deviating them from the roads in which they travel. Love is so much more than a feeling, but it is a reality as well and a commitment on top of that. Part of True Love allowing unhindered range in sight, is being able to see, realize, and admit your level of self knowledge. If you need to deviate onto an alternate road to learn, experience, explore more of the realm of “You”, it doesn’t not mean you don’t love that other individual.
The girl who inspired this segment didn’t know that. When her boyfriend told her he needed to travel the world, she didn’t understand why. When her boyfriend told her he needed to join the military to test himself, she thought he was running away. When her boyfriend told her he would always be there for her, she thought he had already left her. She thought she was in love. He knew he was.
Love does not limit the individual.
Too be continued…
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Defining Love Part 2
Her eyes rose slowly from his chest to his chin, settling upon his eyes. “Baby, I love you too.” For her, she truly had lingered with the thought on prior occasions. She too believed she loved him. All of him. He made her laugh, he was smart, ambitious, handsome, and treated her well. McDreamy compared to her past relationships. But… is a love by comparison a true love?
The pair shared a moment they would never forget. Such a brief moment. Known to them then as enchanting. Understood by them later as a lesson learned.
On the road to defining love, we must first understand that love encompasses many facets. Without love for each facet: Body, mind, soul, spirit, behaviors, habits, history, future, present; True love cannot exist. Think of love as a self sustained ecosystem. All elements must be intact for it to exist, survive, and thrive.
True love is neither a portion nor a comparison.
To be Continued…
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Defining Love Part 1
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Painful Reality
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Theory of a Woman's Touch
Females who do not masturbate/sexually self please themselves, are more likely to be unfaithful in long distant "committed" relationships, in comparison to those who regularly or even semi regularly "please" themselves.
What do you think?
Friday, June 18, 2010
"In July"
And your guards fall down from a rifle to the heart
Like, clap, clap, let em fall slow
I know you had your fears, you can let em all go
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Man's Emotional Wall
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Life of a Sex Addict
Addict – Defined as; someone who is physiologically dependent on a substance; abrupt deprivation of the substance produces withdrawal symptoms.
But NAWW we’re not DEPENDENT on sex :/ And we most certainly don’t experience WITHDRAW symptoms :\
Oh the lies we tell ourselves. Welcome, my name is Truth. I am that ugly side that stares you dead in your face only when you are strong enough, stupid enough, or confident enough to stand in from of a vacant mirror. I, like many of you, am no addict. Addicts are those who developed over zealous habits of drug use, alcohol intake, or OCD cases. Those people are addicts. Right?
So at this point it is important to understand who you’re trying to convince. Please, keep your excuses away from my ears cause I have heard it all. Chances are, if you’re reading this we have either A) had sex B) will have sex C) Are linked through the great vine sexually. Sex is a drug point blank. We put such a major emphasis upon sex in and outside of our relationships that it has grown to become this deity that we NEED in order to sustain ourselves as individuals or to sustain us within our relationships. We seek acceptance through sex, we seek to attempt to secure our partner by quickly engaging in sex, we seek fun and entertainment through sex, and we somehow have grown to believe that the word relationship is synonymous with sex.
I drank on average about once a week. I have gone months at times without drinking for one reason or another, and neither of these times have I felt physically or mentally “different” as if to be missing the act of drinking alcohol. But if I go months without engaging in sexual activities, I grow anxious. I steadily miss it, and slowly grow in my desire to have it. Whether it is with someone I am currently in a relationship with or with a new partner, my thoughts become drawn to the idea of having sex once again. The degree of these “feelings” vary from person to person, but fact is most of us share this commonality. Welcome to the world of being an Addict. The subtly is neither here nor there. The fact is that we experience some sort of withdraw symptoms and our minds become increasingly wrapped around the idea of having sex once more.
Still in denial? Well then you might just have more than the problem of being an addict on your hand.