Thursday, October 8, 2009

To need to want..

It is a weakness of a weak willed person to need someone in or around their life. But to Want, well that’s more of a selection process. Showing and indicating that other options are available to you, but through one’s own individual will and desire has chosen to choose that particular thing or individual.

I dream of the day a women tells me she doesn’t need me. She is whole when alone. She was whole in thought, body, mind, and spirit prior to encountering me, and I would only wish she not stray. I dream of the day a woman tells me she wants me. There are many other men in this world and no matter how cock sure I can pretend to be at times, I humbly respect the reality of neither being the world’s most attractive man nor smartest. By Her, telling me she wants me, gives proof to the indication that she truly and simply just enjoys and prefers my company.

p.s. For the record.. I want Her too.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Faith begins, Where understanding ends..

Women are something I do not understand. So, I bargain. Or better yet, I barter. Offering my faith for that of which I cannot offer; comprehension. Please understand that I rarely do this. I, ladies, am humbling myself by admitting that my mind is unable to figure you all out. But enough of the mushy stuff, I have only come to this conclusion due to another conclusion.. One whom is confused or wavering in thought, cannot and will not be understood.

Disagree? Oh I should hope you do! Ladies, close your eyes and picture your ideal man; body type, style, level of intelligence. Is he ambitious? Goal oriented? Treats you like the queen that you are? Ok, now think of the guy you are currently dating or most recently dated. Is he a match? Does he match your description? 8/10 (and I’m being generous) will have said no, he doesn’t quite match up! Sooo with that being stated, Ladies, why is it that you are not going for what you truly want? No no don’t tell me all that b.s. about Love and how it comes in different forms and ish!! Straight up, majority of you all settle! You know HE is not what you “WANT” but yet you still give him a shot!

In all fairity (new word lol). Guys do this as well. So what’s the dif? Guys, we know when we are settling lol! Ladies you seem to get caught up in your confusion and fool yourselves into thinking “Mr. I dropped outta school to focus on my Rap Career” would somehow undoubtedly transform into “Mr. Hello I am a Lawyer and I own my own practice.” WishFul Thinking?? Haha I think NOT! Sounds more so like, mmm yea Confusion and Wavering in Thought!

*Ladies.. Stop fooling yourselves. Say what you mean, Mean what you say, and Go for what you want.

Brought to you by:

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Dear Women of War

Everyone is anxious and optimistic to fight before they actually seen what War is like. Battle scars and war wounds will deter your original vigor. You are now a veteran, and know well what awaits you. You only need a quality purpose and a just reason (“a good man”) to lure you into your return to the battle field.

Ladies... "He" is out there.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Why Black Men Love White Women..

Why Black Men Love White Women..

These are my thoughts, but not my ways. I am only led to believe this by what I have seen before my eyes during my short lived 21 years of life thus far.

Well allow me to back track and begin by retitling it: Why SOME Black men love White women. The answer is simply attributed to society and the media. Haha how is thus so? Ahh I was hoping you would ask! Black men in America are viewed as lazy, and while I am no fan of stereotypes, many do tend to have a solid foundation in some truth from somewhere. Many black men, and well men in general at times, just like things to come easy. Ladies, ever hear how “you’re just so beautiful that men are intimidated by you”? Indirectly, this is true. Men can often times be intimidated by beauty because stereotypically beauty includes the needing of hirer standards (aka us needing to spend more money on you before we get you in bed) ß Warning: Stereotypical thought!.
So lets break it down.. What’s easy and what’s “not as easy”. Asians seem to naturally cling to their own, a pride of their ethnicity and definitely stressed in the house hold by mom and pops. Side note* I took a cute Asian chicka to a High School dance once.. Parents were so upset that I was black, they didn’t even see her off to the dance nor take pictures; simple dropped her off at the crib and burned madd rubber as they dipped off lol! SoOo Asians = Hard or harder than most.
“Black gurls have too much attitude!” Is the excuse most black men say as they run behind the tails of these white girls. Black women have no more attitude than any other race, but we all must agree we are taught that we must “Defy Odds” in are trials and tribulations of everyday racist America. This leads to a instinctive chip on all Black Americans’ shoulder. Next factor is Black man vs. Black woman is two of the same race speaking to one another. That since of comfort/equal playing field will allow more attitude to be displayed. You argue with your peers/friends more than you do elders because lets face it, ur on a equal playing field with that peer.
Hispanics? Same deal yall. Hispanics and Blacks are both bottom of the food chain in America’s hierarchy, we often coexist in the same neighborhoods (LongBeach for damn sure). More often than not Hispanics are up on the urban trends and hell – raise your hand if you have a Hispanic friend back home that you let say the N~word! Lol Cmon don’t lie! We’re so in the same boat that they can easy get classified with back gurls as having too much attitudes and well that only leaves us with one more option..
WHITE CHICKS!!! Now this is where media comes into play. Now-a-days in the States and hell all over the globe, who doesn’t want to act Black and have that urban swag to them?! And for those who are furthest from this (whites) it can become most appealing. And well lets not forget we [Black Men] have the legend of being.. umm caring.. well “packing a lil sum extra below the belt” lol if ya know what im sayin! Yall know what im sayin lol! White gurls want what is fascinating and want what they are “not suppose to have” and these combinations of things makes them an easy catch. If a fish jumped in your boat, would you throw it back out to sea?? ShooooTTT I mean I love CatFish, but if some Salmon just jumped in my boat all wet and naked.. I am only a man ;)

(Society + Media) = White women wanting Black Men x Black Men wanting the easy road =
= Black Men Dating White Women

P.s. I love Black Women

Monday, May 25, 2009

Who is King..

Allow me to break it down and in the mist do NOT be surprised if I were to drop some knowledge on you. Hands down these are the Game's to MOST dominate individuals.. with honorable mentions extended to the Melo Man. No one in the game and no one to ever play the game can stop either of these players (No offense Joe Dumars and Scotty Pippen). So with no further adue lets get down to business.. Whos Better? Back to the basket neither are seen by no opposition, driving to the hole.. its a green light all day long for both of these gentlemen. Difference is.. Their pure ability to shoot the ball. King James has a range never before seen, but the consistancy of that of the Black Momba, is like that of a dagger to the heart.. Sure to kill! Kobe can rest his lorals on his shooting game, causing his defenders to guard both his drive and to respect his shot!

Check out game 3 Orlando vs. Cavs. Hedu played a good foot and a half off of him the whole night, defence like that against Kobe is surely detremental! A team with great help defence ca aid in the slowing of leBron, but not Nay help can assist with Kobe. Houston had arguably the 2 BEST preimeter defenders in Shane and Artest, routating guarding Bryant, the other meanwhile in help and not to mention the bulldog Scola and the Tallest player in the League Yao Ming clogging up the Lane.. Yet still Kobe Bryant maintianed a scoring average throughout the series that was higher than that of his season average! Quite Impressive ;)

p.s. Key pointer as well.. Check out how often LeBron drives to the hole and creates a quality shot for himself but yet still ends up passing it off. No doubt the kid is a great passer but hey man, if u have a higher potential shot than the person your dumping it off to, then you (as a leader) got to take it!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Tmac Goes 1on1 wit DARFUR !!

This is what I like to see, ppl with access taking advantage and doing some good!

DaiLy TiD BiT

"In the realm of relationships, one is rarely rewarded for doing what is right. He/She can only hope that the consequence is less that of doing the wrong."

Plz quote me lol

LasTesT PHoTo SHooT

Definition of "CooL"

Billy Ray Little:
“The word cool is a personification of the Chinese ideal known as yin and yang, the perfect balance of life and the way... be like water, go around rocks don’t push… soon they’ll erode… cool equals change and growth. This can be applied in all aspects of life including swag, fashion etc.”